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In this practical guide, youll find out about compiling, algorithms, best practices, debugging your. If programming intrigues you for whatever reason, Beginning Programming AllInOne Desk Reference For Dummies is like having a starter programming library all in one handy, if beefy, book. In this practical guide, youll find out about compiling, algorithms, best practices, debugging your. From Java AllinOne For Dummies, 5th Edition By Doug Lowe Writing Java statements (like for and if ) and classes (like Math and NumberFormat ) help you start and build strong programs. Coding AllinOne For Dummies gives you an ideal place to start when you're ready to add this valuable asset to your professional repertoire. Whether you need to learn how coding works to build a web page or an application or see how coding drives the data revolution, this resource introduces the languages and processes you'll need to know. 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